Jude and Sara Valentine ~ Sister Stargazers | August 2023

Sister Stargazers is the podcast and metaphysical consulting studio of two real-life sisters, Sara Valentine and Jude Valentine who share a love for astrology and the synchronicities across cultural teachings and practices that connect us all to each other and to the vibrations of the Universe. 

Coining themselves "bookend siblings" their relationship spans a generational perspective; Jude is the eldest and Sara is the youngest of a six-sibling brood, spanning 19 years, 2 months and 9 days.

Jude is a Cancer Sun with her moon in Leo and Cancer rising. Sara is a Virgo Sun with her moon in Taurus and Libra rising.

Both trained artists (Jude in the visual arts and Sara in the performing arts), these sisters have long been interested in topics ranging from yoga and tai chi to herbology and homeopathy, ritual and self-care, creating holistic practices that bridge their means of self-expression with the natural world.

Born and raised in Western Massachusetts, their collective experiences have taken them to various parts of the world as both students and teachers.

Inspired by their Aquarian-father's love for education, alternative medicine, subliminal technology and entrepreneurism, coupled with their Leo-mother's down-to-earth practicality, resourcefulness, creativity, and strong will, Jude and Sara have steadfastly followed the beat of their own individual drums, building creative and inventive lives as artists and educators.

They come together now as Sister Stargazers to share their interests, insights, and inspirations with the Astro-curious in the hopes of spreading light, and empowering others to find their joy and follow their dreams. Find our podcast on all streaming platforms and visit our website at www.sisterstargazers.com and on Facebook at Sister Stargazers.


Sarah Fuhro | September 2023