Speaker Series & Special Events
Spring 2025
Ready to register for a Speaker Series lecture? Click here to be directed to the payment section.
In-person/hybrid events have a separate registration process.
All events are eastern time.
Speaker Series webinars (via Zoom), typically run between 1.5 - 2 hours, and are currently free to NCGR Boston Chapter members*.
Boston Chapter members* also enjoy discounted pricing for other special events hosted by the Chapter.
*membership requires current paid NCGR membership with Boston Chapter affiliation

Speaker Series via Zoom:
April 6, 2025
11:00 AM, EDT
Dietrech Pessin
Lunar Eclipses and their Lineages
Click here to learn more.
Speaker Series via Zoom:
May 4, 2025
4:00 PM, EDT
Alan Clay
New Stars for a New Era
Click here to learn more.
The 2025-2026 Season
Stay tuned for another jam-packed online Speaker Series season starting in September. Currently free for Boston Chapter members to attend ($20/lecture for non-members).
Save the date - November 1, 2025 for an in-person (hybrid) event at the Beech Street, Center, Belmont MA. Boston Chapter members will get a discounted rate.
Not an NCGR member with Boston Chapter affiliation? Learn about the generous NCGR benefits and how to join. Otherwise, stay in the loop and subscribe to the Chapter’s e-news.
For a list of previous speakers click here.
Payment for Speaker Series Lectures
Non-NCGR-Boston-Chapter members, please make payment ($20) in advance of the lecture either via PayPal or by check. NCGR Boston Chapter members, with an active paid NCGR membership, currently attend Speaker Series webinars for free.
Not an NCGR member? Consider joining with Boston Chapter affiliation for one year ($70). Your membership pays for itself after a few lectures (and includes many other benefits)!
If paying by PayPal, or by Credit Card using PayPal Guest Checkout, fill in the fields below and then click “Pay Now”.
If paying by check, make out to NCGR Boston and mail to the Chapter Treasurer:
Boston Chapter of NCGR
c/o Miriam Klamkin
562 Essex St
Beverly, MA 01915
Please be sure to indicate which webinar(s) you are making payment for.
Zoom video-conference details:
Paid attendees (non-NCGR-Boston-Chapter members) must include an email address to receive the Zoom link for the presentation.
A Zoom link will be e-mailed to all current Boston Chapter members, and to all those who have paid, a day before or the morning of the lecture.
NCGR Boston Chapter members, if your email address has changed, please login to your NCGR National member account to update this.
A recording of lectures is made available, technology permitting and with permission of the presenter, after each presentation to all NCGR Boston Chapter members and non-members who have paid.