NCGR’s purpose is in part “… to pursue educational programs in various interdisciplinary fields related to geocosmic studies.”
In support of this, the following is offered:
NCGR National
NCGR online education courses toward mastery and certification, open to all. You do not have to be a member of NCGR. Several classes are designed in support of the certification program of PAA, NCGR’s sister organization.
NCGR webinars are offered monthly and are free for members. Participate live or view later online, technology permitting.
NCGR’s Foundations of Astrology Series offers instruction in astrology on YouTube, free to the public. Professional astrologers present introductory material that is essential for beginners and also paves the way to our more advanced four-level curriculum, which is recognized throughout the world for its academic integrity. David Perloff, President of the NCGR Boston Chapter, has contributed to the series with a webinar on Hemisphere Emphasis.
Boston Chapter
The Boston Chapter offers its Speaker Series & Special Events. The Speaker Series is held online via Zoom, typically monthly from September through May. Boston Chapter members currently attend the online Speaker Series lectures for free. All others pay $20. Also, the Chapter periodically hosts in-person events. Both formats are dedicated to increasing astrological knowledge and providing a sense of community. Boston Chapter members receive discounted pricing on speical events hosted by the Chapter.
Astrology classes offered by Boston Chapter members are promoted via the Chapter mailing list, on a quarterly basis. If you are a current Chapter member and would like to publicize your class, please contact the Chapter Board.
NCGR members affiliated with the Boston Chapter have access to the Member Resources page (password protected). Here, Chapter members have extended access to view prior Speaker Series webinar recordings as well as the offer to participate in member hosted discussion and book groups.
Follow the Boston Chapter on Instagram @ncgrbostonastrology
Astro-Seek.com - free astrology resources, tools, and calculators.
The news and feature articles posted on the ANS website are written for an informed general audience and broadly support the idea that astrology can inspire self-awareness and help people make more informed choices about things that matter- personally and collectively.
The Alexandria iBase Project is a free (donations-based) online astrology catalog that identifies, catalogs, digitizes, and preserves astrological and related research, writing, recordings, and videos to provide continued availability of this important research & knowledge for the education of current & future generations.
Astro-Databank, the world-wide unique collection of more than 35,000 chart data is online and can be used for free! It not only contains birth data but also all the chart drawings and thousands of biographies.
Kepler College is one of the longest-established schools of Astrology in the United States, founded in 1992 and named in honor of the 16th-century Astrologer, Astronomer, and Mathematician Johannes Kepler.
Free Kepler College Course: Introduction to Astrology
A brief introduction to the primary symbols used in astrology and how they work together, including planets, signs, houses and aspects.
Join NCGR at the UAC Conference September 3 - 9, 2026.
Learn about the history of the United Astrology Conference. Digital audio downloads are available to purchase for the speakers of eight conferences spanning 1989 - 2018.