Diane Trimbath | The USA Pluto Return - Power Reboot of Purpose. Power. Privilege.

The USA Pluto Return - Power Reboot of Purpose. Power. Privilege.
May 14, 2022

We are currently in the throws of the USA Pluto Return. By the end of 2023, The United States will have ‘completed’ the expression of what our founding fathers established her ‘ideology’ to be. The United States is in the process of being reborn. Who will we become?

A brief look at the evolution of our country’s original agreement and what we might expect from the extreme changes we are experiencing as a nation today. To learn more, read Diane’s cover article in NCGR’s Syzygy journal, Winter 2022.

Bio: Diane Trimbath, C.A., NCGR-PAA is a practicing Astrologer in Cleveland, Ohio and holds a Level IV Certification through NCGR. Over the last 5 years she has been teaching three monthly online webinar series: 1. ‘An Astrological Look Ahead’’, 2. ‘Planetary Highlights’, and 3. Star Notes. Diane has been a speaker at LCAA, GLAC, NCGR, and TAG astrological events. She is the Secretary on the LCAA Board of Directors and a graphic design professional. Diane holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from Kent State University, and has been the founder and creative director of a marketing communications firm in Cleveland, Ohio since 1989. She can be reached at diane@dematrix.net | www.dematrix.net


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