Kathryn Silverton | Surgery Timing for Astrologers

Surgery Timing for Astrologers
March 11, 2023

This lecture covers the components of the chart that need to be considered when determining the timing of medical procedures and surgery. Numerous examples will be given, showing options of dates that clients were given by their provider and how the actual date of the procedure was decided, from an astrological standpoint.

Bio – Kathryn Silverton holds a master’s degree in psychology, is professionally certified by The American Federation of Astrologers and has been in practice for close to forty years. She has lectured at UAC and AFA conferences and teaches intermediate to advanced levels of astrology, including the math of casting and progressing charts for certification exams. Kathryn is the President of the Metropolitan Atlanta Astrological Society and is a member of the Board of The American Federation of Astrologers.


Black Moon Lilith Related Resources:

Links to a 3-Part series on the astronomy of
Black Moon Lilith with David Cochrane:

Part 1 https://youtu.be/hNVu-cptbQo
Part 2 https://youtu.be/LvMNAFTeuuI
Part 3 https://youtu.be/kRzZMDve548


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