David Perloff, February 13, 2022 @ 1:00PM EST
Mental Chemistry: A Legacy of Marc Edmund Jones
Astrologer Marc Edmund Jones introduced the concept of Mental Chemistry, which gives tremendous insight into how a person receives and processes information of all sorts. We’ll look at the interplay between the Moon and Mercury to understand this largely underutilized technique. The Mental Chemistry types will all be illustrated via the charts of famous people. The High Priestess and the Magician from the Tarot deck provide additional insights. We’ll discuss how to determine a person's Mental Chemistry, and how to use this to better understand ourselves, our clients, and the people around us.
Bio - David Perloff is a professional astrologer, with clients around the world. He has given astrology talks throughout the United States and internationally, most recently (pre-Covid) in Portugal, Italy, and Canada. David's writing has appeared in The Mountain Astrologer, Dell Horoscope Magazine, Geocosmic Journal, and Jornal de Associação Portuguesa de Astrologia. He is president of NCGR’s Boston Chapter, and editor of NCGR’s Around the World.
His website is: http://davidperloffastrology.com/
NEAC22 speaker schedule and registration information can be found here. If ready to register, click here.
If you have any questions, contact NCGR Boston Chapter Board at ncgrboston@gmail.com.