Christian König, February 12, 2022 @ 1:00PM EST
Between Heaven and Earth: Heliacal Rising and Setting Stars
The ascent of the soul was always a predominant theme of humanity. The Pyramid Texts consider that the soul comes from the stars and returns back to them after death. Astrologically, starphasing mirrors this: Some stars become visible after being absent from the sky (heliacal rising), others return to Earth after living with the immortal circumpolar stars (heliacal setting). In this workshop, we will encounter these two special stars that guide you. Everyone has a heliacal rising and setting star. It’s a bridge between Heaven and Earth, an important life theme beyond the chart.
Bio - Christian König has been an astrologer for more than 35 years and is certified by the German Astrological Association (DAV). He also works with clients as a depth psychologist and trauma therapist. It is his passion to bring the holistic, starry sky – the stars, constellations and planets – back to astrology.
NEAC22 speaker schedule and registration information can be found here. If ready to register, click here.
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