Quarterly Classes Winter 2025 Offered by Chapter Members

Sarah Fuhro

Offers astrology classes and teaches Tarot classes, always in person.  

You can contact me at sarahfuhro@gmail.com or text me at 508.740.7039.


Kelley Hunter

I will be starting a class series on the Kuiper Belt Objects in the spring. I look forward to sharing that with our community.

Website: https://heliastar.com/


Dorothy Morgan

Self-Study Beginner Astrology Course – Ace and Apply the Essentials

Cut through the noise and finally feel grounded in astrology as a conversation you are a part of.


Private Astrology Mentorship with Dorothy Morgan Astrologer

Do you need guidance pulling all your Astrology Knowledge together? Is it time for some deeper integration and understanding?  Have you spent years reading Astrology books? Watching endless videos and listening to podcasts. How about all the video lessons you have taken without a live person there to answer your questions. I can help and I have some openings for private mentoring.


Bio - Dorothy Morgan is a professional astrologer, teacher, speaker, writer, and YouTube vlogger. With a passion for astrology that began in 1988, Dorothy has been in full-time private practice since 2008. Her years of study and practice shine through in her ability to simplify this complex subject, making it accessible and easy to understand. Explore more of her work on her website. https://www.dorothymorganastrologer.com/ 


Dorothy Oja

Astrology classes:

Contact Dorothy about classes via email DOja07@gmail.com

Bio: Dorothy Oja – MindWorks
Certified Astrological Professional - over 4 decades experience. Let me help you manage your planets! Research dates for surgery and other important life events.

Daily Blog: www.facebook.com/DorothyOjaAstrology
Join: www.facebook.com/TheRelationshipClub
Twitter: ojaastrology
Art: Instagram – ecstaticphotog


David Perloff

Astrology classes:

Chart interpretation

Three Saturday mornings - January 11, 18, 25, 10:00-11:30 AM (EST) - Via Zoom

Just $60 total for the three classes.

There are so many astrological events happening - planets changing signs, major aspects, etc. Each session, we will look at the current celestial alignment, as well as charts of major astrological events (ingresses, stations, etc.). We will look at the charts of well-known people, events in the news, and, if time permits, specific topics such as: horary, solar returns, etc.


A Retrospective on the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

Saturday, March 1, 2025, 1:30 PM (Eastern Time) - Via Zoom


To make sense of how the 2024 presidential election played out, there are many astrological (and other) factors to consider. We'll start at a very high level, and work our way to candidate specifics. There will be at least some observations that you haven't seen elsewhere.  

To register for either offering, email davidperloffastrology@gmail.com.


Elizabeth Rozan

Astrology classes:

Astrology is the foundational base to explore goals and issues. Influenced by the work of many messengers of perennial wisdom, my offering is an individualized program, 4-8 sessions, aimed toward reaching deeper into the psychospiritual development process of living your chart. I hold NCGR Lv. 4, ISAR CAP, Church of Light certifications and participate in ongoing professional development in Astrology and other related areas such as mystical, psychodynamic, somatic, cultural-relational, individual/ancestral/collective and trauma informed perspectives.

Contact: www.naturalrhythmsconsulting.com elizabethrozan@comcast.net or by phone 781-862-5104.


Astrology book donations accepted | Courtney McCullough