Articles by Alphee Lavoie
Alphee Lavoie, Level IV, CA, NCGR, Counseling. For 57 years, Alphee has made his living as a full-time astrologer, counseling and lecturing worldwide and at major conferences. Alphee was NCGR’s Research Director for 12 years, authored four best-selling books on horary and wrote a monthly column on horary in Dell Horoscope for more than 25 years. In 1977, he opened his astrology school, and in 1982, he founded AIR Software, which offers astrological and astro-financial programs. In 1990 Alphee appeared in Bloomberg Magazine and on CNN broadcasts discussing financial astrology. In 2002 he organized the Astro Investigators Research Group ( Visit Alphee’s website at
Research Offers Proof that Astrology Works, The Geocosmic Journal, Winter 2023