Books by Alphee Lavoie

Alphee Lavoie, CA, NCGR-PAA, was the NCGR Research Director for 12 years. For 57 years, he has earned the title of Master astrologer, as he made his living from his skill as a successful, full time counseling astrologer, as well as lecturer for worldwide, major conferences. Alphee has authored four best-selling books on horary astrology and wrote a monthly column on horary in Dell Horoscope for over 25 years. In 1977, he opened his astrology school, and in 1982, he founded AIR Software, which offers 13 pieces of innovative, award winning astrological and astro-financial software. In 1990, Alphee achieved world recognition in Financial Astrology, appearing on Bloomberg Magazine and CNN broadcasts. In 2002, he organized the Astro Investigators research group ( Visit his website at

To Order Alphee’s books, please call Carol at 1-800-659-1247 or email at

Alphee’s Horary Astrology, The Master’s Work (2020) by Alphee Lavoie

Alphee's Horary Astrology, his fourth horary book, contains over 50 new horary charts from his national and international clientele.         He deliberately included a very special section in this book called 'The Language of Astrology' in which he reveals the most important components needed to be successful when reading a horary chart. They are a thorough knowledge and understanding of the houses, planets, and aspects. In this section he also presents an indispensable list of the correct houses to use for dozens of questions pertaining to the 12 houses of the chart

Lose this Book and find it with Horary (2008) by Alphee Lavoie

This book, by veteran astrologer, Alphee Lavoie, has become a classic for finding lost articles with horary. He's a master of the subject, lays out all the rules, and then walks you through many examples of real horary questions and how they were found. It's a must for your astrology bookshelf. "This book by Alphee may be something of a literary first. And it is rendered by a master of the subject." Rob Hand, Astrologer


Four Paths to God (2008) by Alphee Lavoie

If you are seeking inner peace and happiness then this book is for you. Alphee presents a system that uses a deeper interpretation of the astrological aspects to help you find your inner balance. Then he maps out a unique day by day method of praying the novena that gives real results! Inspiring and insightful, this book will become a turning point in the field of self-realization.


Horary At Its Best! (2002) by Alphee Lavoie
Using real life horary questions from his clients, you can see Alphee unfold each of the 38 charts while applying the rules of horary. The topics run the gamut from love and marriage to buying and selling, business ventures to children and finding lost articles. Learn how he turns the chart, delineates houses, people, presents timing and directions. If you are a horary buff or a professional this book is a Must for your bookshelf -- and it is written by the teachers' Teacher!

Horary Lectures (1991) by Alphee Lavoie

This book is Alphee's first horary book and is an outstanding volume, transcribed from the tapes of his Thursday night classes on Horary. The focus is using horary and applying it to types of questions that emerge in a counseling session. Horary Lectures offers in sight and techniques that will be found in no other book as they come from Alphee's 34 years of experience and discoveries about what truly works in horary and what does not! The book contains two horary chart examples, one of which will answer 9 different horary questions using the same chart!


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