Boston NCGR
Exploring our interaction with the cosmos
Welcome to the Boston Chapter of NCGR
The National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) is a non-profit member organization that supports education and research exploring the relationship between cosmic patterns, earthly events, and human affairs. The Boston Chapter has members from all of New England, and beyond. We frequently host speakers; the lectures are dedicated to increasing astrological knowledge and to providing a sense of community for those interested in astrology.
Subscribe to the Chapter email list and stay informed of upcoming events. All are welcome!

Events & Education Opportunities
NCGR Boston Chapter members (with active membership) can currently attend online Speaker Series lectures for free. All others pay $20/lecture. Chapter members also receive a discounted rate for other special events .
NCGR’s purpose is in part “… to pursue educational programs in various interdisciplinary fields related to geocosmic studies.” Learn more about a variety of opportunities to expand your knowledge.